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Don’t be a spectator in your own life.  Step onto the field with me, Craig Domann, and allow me to coach you to unlock your Pro Mindset®! Identifying and unlocking the pro inside of you is the backbone of every coaching session, designed to fit every person's goals and dreams. Craig offers coaching via free online webinar, one-on-one, or group/team coaching. Within the Pro Mindset Playbook you will learn how to:


1. WRITE YOUR STORY with the Pro Mindset Playbook:  Design your own heroic tale of transformation, turning your personal story into a powerhouse of purpose and action. With each coaching session, you'll receive customized feedback that's like a high-five for your soul, pushing you to deeply entrench your life's goals with unstoppable resolve


2. TRANSFORM YOUR DAY with High Performance Action Steps: Daily power moves that are strategically designed to sync with your dreams and lifestyle. Followed by personalized coaching tips to fine-tune your game plan, ensuring you're always one step ahead.


3. SCRIPT YOUR SUCCESS with Mental Rehearsals: Mentally picture your victories before they happen. These mental rehearsal scripts is your backstage pass to visualizing success and with my coaching strategies as your spotlight, we can ensure the image of your success isn't just vivid-it's visceral. 


4. MAXIMIZE YOUR SUCCESS with the Performance Bubble Blueprint: Together we will build a bubble of focus. With this blueprint, you'll have a trove of strategies at your fingertips to construct mental boundaries stronger than steel and impervious to distractions. With real-time feedback and techniques, we will create a headspace where your most confident self can shine in your biggest moments.

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Virtual Coaching 1-on-1,

Includes 8, 1-hour sessions: $2,999


Virtual Coaching of 5 people

Includes 8, 1-hour sessions: $1,499


30-minute Webinar, FREE.

Click the link below to join


(719) 266-9124



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